KGH Peer Support
Physicians face unique challenges, and support from colleagues can have a positive impact on wellbeing and workplace experiences. The BC Physician Health Program (PHP) and Joint Collaborative Committees (JCCs) launched the Physician Peer Support Initiative in Spring 2022, and our organization was selected as one of the peer support sites for 2024.
Physician peer supporters are trained by Dr. Jo Shapiro, Dr Maureen Mayhew and the BC Physician Health Program. Dr. Shapiro is an Associate Professor with Harvard Medical School and founder of the Brigham and Women’s Hospital Centre for Professionalism and Peer Support. Dr. Maureen Mayhew offers training on behalf of the BC PHP. She has been a Program Physician with the PHP for several years and is a Professional Certified Life Coach.
The Physician Peer Support Program at KGH encourages an authentic human connection with another person who shares similar life experiences — in this case, the unique stressors and challenges faced by physicians.
What we offer
The Peer Support program offers confidential, non-clinical emotional support to physician colleagues by trained physician peer supporters in a 1:1 setting. With your permission, we can provide connections to services within the PHP including:
- 24/7 confidential helpline
- Short-term counselling
- Peer support
- Referrals to specialised coaches and therapists
- Support for concerned colleagues
- Connections to a family physician
- Return to work support
- Occuptional health consultations
- Finacial advice
- Strengthening workplace relationships
Reasons for seeking support may include
- Dealing with a patient/college complaint,
- Workplace interpersonal conflict or adverse clinical event,
- Managing work-life balance,
- Burnout/moral injury,
- Or any other situation where you need to speak with someone who understands
Who are your peer supporters at KGH?
Peer Support Resources
Frequently Asked Questions
Peer Support Resources (for peer supporters only – password protected)
We extend our sincere appreciation to the to the Physician Health Program (PHP) and the Joint Collaborative Committee for their invaluable support