Online Wellness Resources

Dr Mark Sherman:

Recorded talks and guided meditations by Noah Levine, a young American Buddhist teacher, author and counselor who often leads meditation in juvenile halls and prisons

Mindfulness for Teens

Publicly available talks by renowned meditation teachers

Insight Meditation Society of California – good resources on website

Tara Brach podcast site

Guided meditations of body scan, sitting, short breathing space, mountain meditation and others (scroll to the bottom of the page)  

UC San Diego Centre for Mindfulness: provides educational videos about mindfulness, written information, audio for guided meditations and other resources

Free Mindfulness: Guided audio meditations and mindfulness exercises, blog

UCLA Centre for Mindfulness: Free guided meditations and mindfulness exercises

Audio Dharma provides free guided meditations online for streaming or download, including meditation for depression and pain

Oxford Mindfulness Centre: Intro to Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for depression

A variety of guided meditations, from 3-30minutes long

A 60 min body scan:

UCSD Center for Mindfulness: Guided audio files for practicing Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) from the UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness.

Contemplative Mind in Society: Guided practices from Mirabai Bush, the center’s director, Diana Winston from UCLA’s Mindfulness Awareness Research Center, and Arthur Zajonc, president of the Mind & Life Institute.

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